It was beyond awkward

I was a model patient – Laura. When I was 16, I got a job as a “standardized patient”. Because apparently you can make it through 4 years of undergraduate, a rigorous medical school application process, and, you know, normal life experiences, but still require formalized practice in speaking with other actual humans. My character Read More …

I know that crystal meth is really my problem

The false narrative of choice. S Luckett G. ‘Miss,’ she said, as I bit my tongue. I was choking on the worst insult a female junior doctor can bear, ‘I know that crystal meth is really my problem. I’m going to quit the meth.’ ‘Love,’ I started, a reflex term of endearment for the wretched Read More …

A limitless ocean of humanity in literature

Storyhealing, by Gavin Francis. The weight of clinical practice can be overwhelming for some – that’s why more doctors in the West are working part-time and retiring earlier than ever before. But the profession’s very multiplicity offers insights and inspirations, satisfactions and consolations, available in few other others. I’m now 20 years into my medical Read More …

Why I thought I’d killed my baby

Sally Wilson: My postpartum psychosis.  Grateful for ECT. Nina McCallig: grateful for being sectioned. I saw a midwife take Ella away, I believed they were taking her to be resuscitated because I’d harmed her. I was convinced that because I’d hurt my baby I had died and was now living in the ‘after life’, a Read More …